Thursday 22 May 2014

Google panda update 2014

Google panda update 2014
Google confirming an Panda update on 21th May 2014, Matt Cutts post on Twitter, Panda 4.0 was roll out.Fresh Panda Panda algorithm, this is not refresh we have seen nearly monthly but sufficient for Google to name this Panda 4.0, a fresh algorithm.

Panda 4.0, 7.5% of impacts on English query to a scale that a regular user might see

Matt Cutts says, they made it sound like this upgrade may seem gentler for a few locales yet it does lay the foundation to future alters in the course of a softer and gentler Panda calculation.

So no, I was not insane expecting something huge that happened throughout the weekend and all around the month and this week. Despite the fact that Google said nothing is going on, we've been seeing indications of real changes and positioning movements all around the month. I think those were tests for both this Google Spam Algorithm form 2.0 and the Panda 4.0 discharge. G+


Ranbir said...

thx for visit

Unknown said...

The Google Panda Algorithm included scrutinizing the websites for content. The quality of content is of utmost importance. It turned out to be a good move because users got improved search results.

panda seo strategy

Ranbir said...

Thanks Ane Recafort

Unknown said...

Otherwise being said, Google rarely announces any changes that it's going to do on the search algorithm, so SEO marketers and webmasters will have no time to react and change their techniques accordingly. However, Matt Cutts, a top software engineer and Google, gave a few tips about the updates that were about to follow: Panda and Penguin updates.

Panda SEO

Ranbir said...

Thx Sonia For your VISIT