Monday 26 May 2014

SEO Meta Tags

What Are Meta Tags

Meta tags used in (Html Meta Tags) within a website for describe search engine about topic or products of your website. We use Meta tags in webpage header section, use multiple Meta tags for different attributes within web page. Always use unique Title, Description and Keywords for each web page. Here I am sharing some important SEO Friendly Meta tags.
Always ALT tag within your website images
Example:-  <img src="seo.jpg" alt="Keyword">

Important Meta Tags:
Meta Tags Title           :- <title>Website Title (UP TO 65 characters)</title>
Meta Tags Description : - <meta name='Description' Content='Describe Your Website Topic(UP TO 150 characters)'/>
Meta Tags Keywords: - <Meta name='Keywords' Content='Targeted Keywords (UP TO 200 characters, with ',')'/>
Meta Tags Author: - <Meta name='author' content='You'/>
Meta Tags Copyrights: - <Meta name='Copyright' Content='you@2014'/>
Meta Tags Robots: - <Meta name='robots' content='Index, Follow'/>
Meta Tags Revisit-After: - <Meta name='revisit-after' content='7 Days'/>
Meta Tags Distribution: - <Meta name='distribution' content='Global'/>
Canonical issue: - <link rel="canonical" href=''/>
Google+ Profile and Google Authorship Tag
<link rel=”author” href='Your G+ Profile'/>
<link rel=”Me On” href='Your G+ Profile'/>
<link rel=”publisher” href='Your G+ Profile'/>

Use these Meta tags within your website for fast indexing and soon ranking.