Sunday 27 July 2014

Google’s Pigeon Update July-2014

Google’s Pigeon Update July-2014

Google’s Pigeon-Update resolves Yelp Issue, Boosts Local Business Directories

As the study continue on yesterday’s Google local-search-algorithm changes — that we’re calling the Google-Pigeon-update-2014 — Thing appear to be clear: Local Business directory sites are getting better visibility in search results.

Specifically, it looks like Google has set its “Yelp Issue” and is now showing pages at the top of search-results when query specifically have the word “Yelp.”

You might recall Yelp’s recent-accusations that Google was manipulate its search-results to show Google’s own local-listings and content ahead of Yelp pages even when users specially included “Yelp” in their searches. Yelp’s report specially looked at the search term “gary-danko yelp” (Gary-Danko-is-a-San-Francisco-restaurant) and showed how Google listed the restaurant’s official website first, along with several links to Google+ content such as reviews and its Google+ page.
Google’s Pigeon Update July-2014

Read More: - Search Engine Land