Sunday 27 July 2014

Google Local Search Update

Google Pigeon Update.

On 25 July 2014 Named Pigeon Update.

Google announce a new local search algorithm to provide more useful and relevant perefect local search result that tied more speacfic to traditional web searchs. The cahnges will be obvious inside the Google Maps list items and Google Web indexed lists.
The main changes are beckside the scenes , but it impact only local search result ranking and local business listing may see changes in ranking.

Google told us that the new Google local search algorithm ties deeper into their web search capabilities, including the hundreds of ranking signals they use in web search along with search features such as Knowledge Graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more.
In addition, Google said that this new algorithm improves their distance and location ranking parameters.

The new algorithm is currently rolling out for US English results and aims to provide a more useful and relevant experience for searchers seeking local results. Google didn’t share any details about if and when the update would roll out more widely in other countries and languages.
Google has not commented on the percent of queries impacted by this algorithm update, nor if certain web spam algorithms were deployed in this update.

If you have noticed any ranking changes and referral changes for your local business, please let us know in the comments. Google+

Read More: SearchEngine Land


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